Edit Wonderland H3 ip:

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Wonderland H3 updated: Aug 23 2024 ip last update:
DEAD?    Eligible for IH Directory? (must be active and at least monthly)

Sorry, gotta stop hackers messing with our stuff. Please fill in this phrase: hash _ _ _ _ _ harriers
in lower case: ... we'll have to go to one of those write what's in this box or require logins, hopefully this'll work

Country: USA State If USA, use 2 letter code
HASH SCHEDULE (note: DST=Daylight Saving Time/ST=Standard Time)
We Hash: Time: during:
We ALSO Hash: Time: during:
We ALSO Hash: Time: during:
# Hashers in club estimated nunber of individuals who have Hashed with this club in past year
Facebook page
Twitter acct
Hotline (TEL #) ###.###.####
Hash Email
Kennel Contact Info
Contact Name
Street Address
Address Part 2
City, State, Postcode/Zip
Contact 1 Name First *Hash Name* Last
Contact 1 Email
Contact 1 Tel ###.###.####
Contact 2 Name First *Hash Name* Last
Contact 2 Email
Contact 2 Tel ###.###.####
Contact 3 Name First *Hash Name* Last
Contact 3 Email
Contact 3 Tel ###.###.####
DOB: Date of First Hash use yyyy-mm-dd
if month not known use yyyy-12-31,
if day not known use yyyy-mm-30 (or last day of month)

Use this to find Lat/Long: https://stevemorse.org/jcal/latlon.php
Latitude Please enter as a number eg. 38.231079 not N/S/E/W
Longitude Please enter as a number eg. -102.23576
NOTE: is the US this will be a (negative) - number! e.g. -98.5668

Founder of this Kennel
Parent Hash (where Founder previously Hashed)
CO-Founders of this Kennel
Helped Founder
When we change Mismanagement / Contacts:
Kennel Details
Who Can Edit this Kennel: comma delimted email address list: