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This Club is Alive
Country/state/Area/City: | USA / KS/ Kansas City | ||||||||
We Hash: |
Variable Saturday 14:00 Variable Thursday 18:30 |
lat/lng | 39.10274000N 94.626202W | ||||||||
URL: | http://www.kansascityh3.com | ||||||||
Email: | kchhh@yahoogroups.com | ||||||||
Contact 1: | Marita *Chihuahua* Bennett marita_bennett@yahoo.com 816.805.0607 | ||||||||
Contact 2: | Walter *Skunk Chaser* Bauke detlef94@hotmail.com 913.486.6591 | ||||||||
Date First Hash: | 1986-01-01 | ||||||||
Founder: | Fast Chug | ||||||||
Cofounders: | Chihuahua | ||||||||
Parent Hash: | San Diego H3 | ||||||||
Kennel Details: Mixed hash. Hashes most weekends; times and days vary; frequent midweek hashes in the summer; hashes anytime there's a visiting hasher - just let us know you're cumming! Most runs 2-4 miles, walkers welcome. Average pack 15 - 20. | |||||||||