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Select * from 2007_rdir where country = 'GUATEMALA' order by Name num: 1
Guatemala City H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (49) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=49]

last updated: 2021-04-15 Hash is DEAD Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: GUATEMALA
We Hash: Variable    
lat/lng14.63491490N 90.5068824W
Contact 2: Armando *Latin Lover* Mazariegos
Date First Hash:1987-01-01
Founder:Joyce Wood
Kennel Details:
We were founded in 1987. We are a family hash that runs semi-monthly Sat. or Sun., times change. Different host each run. Time and day is up to the host and his drinking habits. Hash hounds welcome. Special season hashes like the Texas Independence Day or celebrations of german soccer defeats. We like to drink Rooster Juice(Gallo). We gather an average pack of 10-30.