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Babes and Bitches Enjoy Sex --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (372) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=372]

last updated: 2012-03-08 Hash is DEAD Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: N (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ west central ohio / Dayton
We Hash:     
lat/lng39.75894800N 84.191607W
Hotline (TEL #):937.233.3745
Email: tallsandi@woh.rr.com
Contact Name
Sandra Power
5149 Gander Rd W
Contact 1: Sandra *Catwoman* Power
Founder:Sandra Power
Cofounders:Drilled Sergeant
Parent Hash:Dayton H3
Kennel Details:
DEAD as if: 2006-04-30 hopefully some day the medical hobby shop will get me fixed and babes can cum again.

Cleveland Eastside H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (373) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=373]

last updated: 2006-10-07 Hash is DEAD Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: N (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH
We Hash:     
lat/lng0.00000000N 0.00000000E
Kennel Details:
Biweekly hash that runs cross-country as often as possible with on-ons generally by streams in the woods. Full Moon hashes most months.

This Club is Alive
Cleveland H3 & Harriettes --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (374) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=374]

last updated: 2017-05-28 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Cleveland
We Hash: 1st Saturday 15:00  
3rd Saturday 15:00 
Every Full Moon 18:30 
lat/lng41.49971300N 81.693716W
URL: http://www.clevelandhash.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1750364588574846/
Contact 1: Terrance *Assotope* W.
Contact 2: Mike *Rear Ender Tu* S.
Founder:Don *Down Don* later renamed *Stool Sample* Stanley
Cofounders:Michele *The Other Woman* Angermeier
Parent Hash:DC h3HHH
Kennel Details:
Cleveland H4 welcomes runners of all levels. Trails generally have lots of off trail shiggy and are typically 3-5 miles long. Starting times listed above are pre-lube times, with chalk talk & on-on to occur about 30-60 minutes later. Full Moon Hashes are usually held on the Friday nearest the actual full moon. We hash throughout the Cleveland area - and sometimes beyond!

Columbus Cowtown with a Hard-On H3 & Harriettes Ohio (C2H5OH) --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (375) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=375]

last updated: 2018-06-27 Hash is DEAD Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Columbus
We Hash: Every Other Friday   
lat/lng39.96220000N 83.0007W
URL: http://www.columbushash.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/C2h5oh-The-Hash-380127269148437/
Email: columbushash@yahoogroups.com
Contact Name
c/o K. Martin
6091 Castlebar Lane
Contact 1: *Brown & Runny*
Contact 2: Mark *Black Watch* Buckley
Contact 3: Brad *Dumb Ass* Wilkinson
Date First Hash:1998-04-01
Founder:*Black Watch*
Parent Hash:Nagoya H3 and the Bahrain Black Hash
Kennel Details:
Hashes twice a month, alternating between Friday and Saturday. Also hashes for special events and holidays. Check our schedule at our Facebook page, or email us at columbushash@yahoogroups.com.

This Club is Alive
Cowlumbus F M H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (737) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=737]

last updated: 2015-04-19 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Columbus
We Hash: Every Other Saturday 15:00 All Year 
lat/lng39.96117600N 82.998794W
URL: http://cfmh3.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cfmh3/
Email: cowlumbush3@gmail.com
Contact Name

Contact 1: *AssTek*
Date First Hash:2012-08-02
Cofounders:*Facial Duty*
Parent Hash:C2H5OH
Kennel Details:
Alternating Saturdays (opposite Cincinnati HHH), 3:00 pm Standard Time year round unless otherwise specified in advance. Some Saturdays fall on Fridays in order to coordinate with mother hash in town. This is a Running Hash, trails usually 3-5 miles. Adult Hash 21+.

This Club is Alive
Dayton H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (376) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=376]

last updated: 2021-12-06 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Dayton
We Hash: Every Other Saturday 15:00 Winter 
Every Other Saturday 16:00 Summer
Every Full Moon 19:00 All Year
lat/lng39.76234700N 84.205101W
URL: http://www.daytonhhh.org
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/daytonhhh/
Hotline (TEL #):937.233.7456
Contact Name
Dayton HHH
631 Aspen Avenue
Contact 1: *Penis Head*
Contact 2: *Cock-a-Noodle*
Date First Hash:1987-06-28
Founder:Geoff *Little Tooter* Jumper
Parent Hash:Little Rock H3
Kennel Details:
Dayton is a mixed-sex group on trail for over 30 years that runs on alternate Saturday afternoons (3pm EST, 4pm EDT). In addition we run evenings on the full moon and the new moon, whenever they are. We also have a Hangover Hash on New Year's Day and a run whenever the Dayton Dia de Los Muertos parade is scheduled.

This Club is Alive
Dayton H4 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (843) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=843]

last updated: 2021-09-06 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Dayton
We Hash: Every Other Saturday 16:00 DST 
Every Other Saturday 15:00 ST
Every Full Moon 19:00 All Year
lat/lng0.00000000N 0.00000000E
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/dh4private/
Hotline (TEL #):937-269-3796
Email: hhhcockanoodle@gmail.com
Contact Name
Steven *Dah Gimp* Barnhart
140 Jones St.
Contact 1: Hunter *Cock-a-Noodle* Johnson
Date First Hash:2021-09-04
Founder:*Dah Gimp*
Cofounders:*Cock-a-Noodle* *3 & Out* *BushWhacker*
Parent Hash:Dayton H3

This Club is Alive
Mad Anthony`s H3 Irregulars --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (377) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=377]

last updated: 2021-11-17 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Northwest / Defiance
We Hash: Every Month 18:30 Summer 
Every Month 15:00 Winter
lat/lng41.28094100N 84.362757W
Email: billamack@embarqmail.com
Contact Name
Mad Anthony

Contact 1: Bill *Meadow Muffin* Mack
Founder:*Meadow Muffin*
Cofounders:*Dr. Mudd*, *Ass Fault*, *Little Woodpecker*
Parent Hash:Mud Hens H3 (Toledo, OH)
Kennel Details:
Runs Monthly (day varies depending on who we can coerce to hare): May-Sep Thursdays@ 6:30 pm, Oct-Apr Saturdays or Sundays@ 3:00 pm.

Not Exactly Organized (NEO) H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (379) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=379]

last updated: 2006-07-20 Hash is DEAD Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: N (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Cleveland
We Hash:     
lat/lng41.49932000N 81.694361W
Kennel Details:
Reported Dead

This Club is Alive
Queen City H4 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (797) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=797]

last updated: 2018-08-31 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ inside the I-275 loop / Cincinnati
We Hash: Every Other Tuesday 19:00 All Year 
lat/lng0.00000000N 0.00000000E
URL: http://sch4.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/795791177265728/
Email: ascottomouth@gmail.com
Contact Name
*Ascot to Mouth*

Date First Hash:2017-06-13
Founder:*Ascot to Mouth*
Parent Hash:Sin City H4
Kennel Details:
Queen City Hash House Harrier and Harriettes QCH4 welcomes hashers of all level and there are generally all abilities present on trail. Trail is generally ~3 miles with 1-2 beer stops.

This Club is Alive
Renegade H3 Columbus --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (755) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=755]

last updated: 2020-08-26 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Central Ohio / Columbus
We Hash: Every Other Saturday 16:00 All Year 
lat/lng40.01095570N 83.0109595W
URL: http://www.renegadeh3.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rh3columbus
Email: info@renegadeh3.com
Contact 1: *Itchy Bitsy*
Date First Hash:2014-09-20
Cofounders:*Lady Humps A Lot* and *Burning Bubbles*
Parent Hash:C2H5OH and Kobe H3
Kennel Details:
Trails every other Saturday, time is up to the hare(s). A Friday night trail once a month - check the website for details. We are a drinking club with a problem running. Visitors welcome to call a trail or drinking practice anytime :)

This Club is Alive
Rubber City --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (380) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=380]

last updated: 2021-06-18 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Northeast Ohio / Akron
We Hash: 2nd Saturday 15:00 All Year 
4th Saturday 15:00 All Year
Every Other Thursday 18:30 All Year
lat/lng41.17506700N 81.43385W
URL: http://www.akronhash.com
Hotline (TEL #):330.459.0161
Email: windtunnelonon@gmail.com
Contact Name
Steve Hughes
491 Wyoga Lake Blvd.
Contact 1: Steve *Shorthairs* Hughes
Date First Hash:2004-06-12
Cofounders:Little Ench
Parent Hash:Cincinnati H3
Kennel Details:
Runs 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 1st and 3rd Thursdays - Check MEETUP app for time and location. Everyone welcome,live trails, mostly a to b runs,target 3-5 miles long. Inaugural hash June 12th,2004 had 34 hashers. Charter members-Shorthairs, Dribbler, Dick Long and Prosper, Little Ench, Wind Tunnel.

This Club is Alive
Sin City (Cincinnati) H4 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (381) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=381]

last updated: 2015-11-05 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Greater Cincinnati (SW Ohio, NKY, SE Indiana) / Cincinnati
We Hash: Every Other Saturday 15:00 ST 
Every Other Saturday 16:00 DST
3rd Thursday 19:00 All Year
lat/lng39.10311800N 84.51202W
URL: http://www.sch4.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sin-City-Hash-House-Harriers-Harriettes-Public/116897808394731
Email: webmeister@sch4.com
Contact Name
SCH4 c/o David *Hot Tub Slut* Nelson
231 W 4th St
Contact 1: Peter *Elephant ___ Ass* Smith
Contact 2: Deana *Y=Pi* Schneider-Sutter
Contact 3: Eric *Flaming Fag Whore* Platt
Date First Hash:1995-09-15
Founder:Bruce *Red Hot Chili Pecker* Deaton
Parent Hash:San Diego H3
Kennel Details:
Alternating Saturdays (opposite Dayton HHH), 3:00 pm during Standard Time, 4:00 pm during DST. Monthly Hyper Hash on 3rd Thursday @7:00 pm all year. Happy Hours on the 4th Friday. Wine Down Happy Hour on 5th Fridays. Bash (Bike Hash) on one Sunday of the month during warmer weather @1PM. Also Licking Valley Hash runs on one of the last two Saturdays of the month. This is a Running Hash, trails usually 3-5 miles. Adult Hash.

This Club is Alive
Smithfield H3 in Tiffin --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (805) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=805]

last updated: 2020-03-08 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Iffin
We Hash: Every Sunday 13:00 DST 
lat/lng41.13483000N 83.17631W
Hotline (TEL #):419.618.6767
Contact Name
Bryan Smith

Contact 1: Bryan *Assmatter, aka Chemyst* Smith
Date First Hash:2018-09-02
Founder:Assmatter, aka Chemyst
Cofounders:Dirty Birth
Parent Hash:NOH3

This Club is Alive
SWOT (South West Ohio Traditional) H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (786) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=786]

last updated: 2018-04-19 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Southwest (Dayton, Cincinnati, and points in betwe
We Hash: Last Sunday 14:00 All Year 
lat/lng39.49269000N 84.324073W
URL: https://www.swothash.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/swoth3/
Date First Hash:2002-01-06
Founder:Croc Sucker
Cofounders:Purple Heart On
Parent Hash:Dayton H3
Kennel Details:
South West Ohio Traditional Hash (The Original Sunday Hash!) was formed in 2001 when some wank decided that they wanted to watch college football on Saturday (?? Boo!!), but we did get another hashing day! Sunday! SWOT runs on the last Sunday of every month if there aren't any major conflicts. At SWOT, dogs are allowed on trail, and any place dogs are allowed! What’s traditional about SWOT? Simple! It’s a Sunday hash ….after Church and before Tea! Live Trail! Two hares (preferred?) Walker’s Maps, Good Quality Beer with a lesser amount of slut beer. Eat and Drink at the “On After” at a convenient hash house (Preferably a brewery). Hash Cash: “The Seven Dollar Hash!” Hash Virgins (Vestal) FREE

This Club is Alive
Toledo Mud Hens H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (378) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=378]

last updated: 2017-05-20 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / OH/ Northwest Ohio / Toledo
We Hash: Every Other Wednesday 18:30  
lat/lng41.66889000N 83.6062W
URL: http://www.toledohashhouseharriers.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Toledo-Hash-House-Harriers-423165254529018/
Contact Name
Don Lindner (Dudley J NoSwell)
2567 Berdan Av
Contact 1: *Dudley J. NoSwell*
Contact 2: Robert *Shit for Brains* Ampthor
Contact 3: *Uncle John*
Date First Hash:1990-06-09
Founder:Bob(Shit For Brains)Ampthor
Parent Hash:Westchester H3 New York
Kennel Details:
Alternate Wednesdays@ 6::30 pm year-round, Toledo area 40-50 per hash. Red Dress June 19th 150-200