Half-Mind Feature Article

Who's Bidding to Host Interhash 2006?

You must be nucking futs!

Bali Logo

The very thing that got us all started on this project may be the same thing that could defeat us; namely, the Bali Bomb.

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All Roads Lead to Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Logo

After hosting six consecutive Mekong/Indochina events, the hardcore hashers of Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and South West China decided the time had come to offer this beautiful area to the rest of the world. Hence, the ongoing bid for Chiang Mai 2006, the Ultimate Choice for the World Interhash.

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Bringing Interhash to Canada

Edmonton Logo

"Why don't you host a big event, so we can come visit your hash?" Over and over again we've heard this question from many a hasher. From our early hashing road trips to San Francisco for the Bay to Breakers weekend, to the Interhash pre-ramble ferry to Tasmania in 2000, the committee members of the IH2006 EdmONtON bid had heard the message loud and clear - "Hashers want to visit Canada".

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Challenges Down Under

Perth Logo

G’day to all the avid Halfmind.com readers from all of us here in sunny Perth Western Australia. Now being Aussies, a few words can turn into a diatribe especially after a few beers. So enough of the dribble, we hope this prompts a laugh and tells you a little bit about hashing down under, the challenges we faced and lessons learned in our efforts to bring Interhash to Perth.

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