Half-Mind Rant Archives

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Moderator Wanted: Apply to hash-l@usc.edu

This rant is about our e-mail list, the Hash List at hash-l@usc.edu. As we all know, it's an "unmoderated" list, meaning that although there are supposedly rules about what can and can't be posted, the rules are not enforced in any meaningful way. Anyone can post anything - and everyone does. Hell, you don't even have to be a subscriber to post to the Hash List.

I've been a Hash List subscriber for several years now. I also subscribe to many non-hashing e-mail lists, all of which are "moderated." The difference between moderated lists and the Hash List is striking. No spam, no off-topic posts, no AOL queep with pages & pages of headers, no unwanted file attachments, no Internet hoaxes, no missing children letters . . . and yet the discussions on these moderated lists are free, outspoken, and uncensored.

I, for one, would be delighted to join and participate in a moderated hash e-mail list, if only to keep nonmembers from posting - this would cut out the spam entirely. Now let me say this clearly: I am not an advocate of censorship in any form.

So how can you have a moderated list and not have censorship? Easy - you don't censor ideas or content, you just eliminate the spooge that has nothing to do with hashing. Nobody likes to use the words "hashing" and "rules" in the same sentence, but we all know that there are rules, even in the hash. I think it's interesting that most e-mail lists - even outlaw motorcycle gang lists - *do* have rules. I subscribed to another e-mail digest a few weeks ago - the selfsame outlaw motorcycle list - and here's a list of Be-Nos the moderator sent: Sounds like our very own Hash List FAQ, doesn't it? Except that this list is actively moderated and the rules are enforced - presumably by big bearded guys with tattoos and pool cues. Once again, I feel compelled to say that I am not an advocate of censorship. What really caught my attention about the e-mail list I mentioned above is that the moderator will not allow people with AOL addresses to subscribe. How about that? AOLers need not apply! Now you and I know that a lot of intelligent people use AOL. But so very many stupid people (and I am not talking about ignorance here - I'm talking about genuine anus-scratching morons) use AOL that at least this one list won't even allow AOL members to join. Just look back at some of the AOL queep that's been posted to our list! But still, to actually ban AOL members as a whole? Man! Isn't that like against the law? Wouldn't that be great? God and G know I cherish the freedom to say whatever I want on the Hash List, but I exercise my freedom with restraint lest I lose it or cause you to lose yours. The tolerant folks at USC - and especially Fast Lady - have given us a good thing. I know that none of them have the time to moderate the Hash List, and I certainly don't either. With that in mind, and with the utmost humility, I'd like to express the wish that Hash List members would ask themselves whether what they're about to post is actually hash-related before they hit SEND.

Alas, we - members of the Hash List - have demonstrated over and over that we are not capable of conforming to any code of etiquette, no matter how basic. We used to have a great subscribership, with members all over the world. Many of the overseas members have left the list - explicitly because of the idiocy of those Hash List members who refuse to abide by the rules. The list is an even poorer place as a result.

Just as an unruly and out-of-control circle needs a good GM or RA to keep down-downs on track, our poor abused Hash List needs a moderator. I say it's high time we find one. What say the rest of you?

- Flying Booger

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