
Half-Mind Rant

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Hash-pitality's (Best)

(Ed. note: Ranters welcome, Have a great Hash Trash writer ?- send in their rant!)

It becomes evident when you are in crappy places like Iraq just how important hash-pitality is to our kind.  There are so many anecdotes about hashers finding themselves lost, screwed over or just needing assistance you wonder why there are not crowds of people clamoring to join our ranks.

Two stories of hash-pitality. One gal from Cleveland was moving to San Francisco, sold everything, moved there just to be dumped at the Airport. The local hash put her up for three weeks, found her a car, a job and an apartment. Second one, a buddy of mine was in a unit for years, when it came time to move the only ones (other than two future hashers) to show were hashers. This is what hashing is about.

The beer boobs and trail are important, but the mentality and bond are what makes us different. I have been invited to a dozen places on myspace by hashers (it was active for a total of 2 months) and they don't know me from Adam. It is now in temporary retirement as I am on an Iraqi Base and the internet is not what you might call ….. existing. Still, the principal is that we are special.

I have hosted dozens of hashers from everywhere on no notice, with no problem. I have been tolerated at a dozen more. This is normal inside our ranks. Man am I glad. Boo Boo Kitty Fuck, wherever you are thanks for bringing me into the hash.

There are few things good left in the world if you listen to CNN and FOX News (unless you stay tuned). The preachers all tell us anarchy and evil are taking over the world (unless you fill their coffers). The politicians tell us that we must be controlled (unless you vote for them). The world is going to the dogs. Glad I have the hash.

See you on trail.

On On



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