Half-mind.com is the regional website for: USA, Central America, South America and the Caribbean If you want to add a new kennel - email me - please include ONLY: Kennel name, country, state and date of first Hash Looking for Hashes elsewhere? Find any Kennel in the world |
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This Club is Alive
Country/state/Area/City: | USA / TX/ Houston | ||||||||
We Hash: |
Every Other Month 10:00 All Year |
lat/lng | 0.00000000N 0.00000000E | ||||||||
Facebook page: | https://www.facebook.com/Houston-Ankle-Biters-Hash-House-Harriers-1199313343517251/?ref=bookmarks | ||||||||
Hotline (TEL #): | 337.789.0894 | ||||||||
Email: | houstonanklebitersh3@gmail.com | ||||||||
Permanent Contact Name Address: |
Monique Koll 70 Wood Drake Ct | ||||||||
Contact 1: | Monique *Mouth Organ* Koll moniquekoll@gmail.com 337-789-0894 | ||||||||
Contact 2: | Alexander *Homoglobin* Brutka cypressal@yahoo.com 713.875.2345 | ||||||||
Date First Hash: | 2017-04-17 | ||||||||
Founder: | Monique Koll | ||||||||
Cofounders: | Alex Brutka | ||||||||
Parent Hash: | St. Kitts H3 | ||||||||
Kennel Details: Promoting the hashing tradition to all from infancy-senility, fast or slow, HAB H3 is a G-rated (thanks be to G!) family outing patterned along the lines of traditional Hash Runs and oriented towards young participants. The "Hash House Harriers" is a worldwide running group that hosts "hashes" which consists of a trail laid by a "hare". Everyone works together by looking for clues to follow the true trail to the end. The terms "Ankle Biter” and “Horror” refers to a young Hasher. BRING: Cash - $4/Hasher, $3/Horror. This covers 1-3mi of mildly shiggy trails, snacks, drinks, juicebox checks and outdoorsy family fun. Whistle - not necessary, but helps if looking for the trail. Held every ~2 months on weekend mornings. A few rules: -EVERY Ankle Biter MUST have an adult identified to be responsible for them. -Everyone must sign OUT and IN of every run. We will keep a running list of total hashes done for everyone. -Litterbugs are NOT welcome, clean up after yourself! -Dogs of good temperament around children and other dogs are welcome, but they must stay on a leash. Please clean up any doggy messes that may occur. Our community forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HABH3/ | |||||||||