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This Club is Alive
Country/state/Area/City: | USA / MA/ Boroughs between Worcester and Boston / Northborough, MA | ||||||||
We Hash: |
Monthly Saturday All Year |
lat/lng | 42.32847300N 71.619486W | ||||||||
URL: | www.northboroH3.com | ||||||||
Facebook page: | https://www.facebook.com/groups/northborohashhouseharriers/ | ||||||||
Permanent Contact Name Address: |
Reverend BlowHo | ||||||||
Contact 1: | Al *BlowHo* Del Re info@liquidice.net | ||||||||
Date First Hash: | 2010-12-18 | ||||||||
Founder: | Reverend BlowHo | ||||||||
Cofounders: | Caboose | ||||||||
Kennel Details: The Northboro Hash House Harriers is a bunch of people (mostly good-looking, suburban professionals and parents) who gather about once per month to take a strong dose of beer, exercise and laughter. Most all of our trails are between 3-6 miles, with 2 or more checks. We vary in age and running ability, from lean marathoners, to fat, slow joggers, to slothful, debaucherous walkers. We're active, fun-loving people that like to make new friends and are welcoming to new and old hashers from around the world. | |||||||||