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This Club is Alive
Country/state/Area/City: | USA / GA/ Columbus / Fort Benning | ||||||||
We Hash: |
Every Saturday 11:00 All Year |
lat/lng | 32.46097600N 84.987709W | ||||||||
URL: | http://www.facebook.com/CVHHH | ||||||||
Facebook page: | http://www.facebook.com/CVHHH | ||||||||
Hotline (TEL #): | 706-536-6882 | ||||||||
Email: | joe@zitzelberger.net | ||||||||
Permanent Contact Name Address: |
Joe Zitzelberger | ||||||||
Contact 1: | Stephen *Run Silent, Run Deep* Miller runsilentrd@yahoo.com | ||||||||
Contact 2: | Joe *Red-Headed Krak Ho* Zitzelberger joe@zitzelberger.net 706-536-6882 | ||||||||
Date First Hash: | 2000-11-18 | ||||||||
Founder: | Gwen 'Seaman Shower' Pedigo | ||||||||
Parent Hash: | Yong-Son | ||||||||
Kennel Details: Our trails are between 2-5 miles, usually moderate, and tradition...ally have at least 1 beer stop every 1-2 miles. We are an adult-oriented but generally family-friendly group (depending on the groups composition at the end circle). The trails are about 50/50 baby-jogger friendly, but usually can be bypassed when not. All runners, joggers, and walkers that don't take themselves too seriously are welcome. Our Trails are Sundays at 11am and one Wednesday a month for a mid-week pub trail. | |||||||||