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This Club is Alive
Hillbilly H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (513) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=513]

last updated: 2016-02-29 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / VA/ Western Northern VA
We Hash: Every Sunday 12:00 ST 
Every Sunday 15:00 Summer
lat/lng39.11730400N 77.825247W
URL: onin.com/hillbilly
Hotline (TEL #):202.PUD.JAM.0 Option #
Email: jed.hillbilly.h3@gmail.com
Contact Name
Jed Hillbilly

Contact 1: Jed *Hillbilly* MM
Date First Hash:2009-02-28
Founder:Sour Snatch My Rubber Back
Cofounders:Occifer Ass Baton, Reflection Erection, Taste The Rainblow
Parent Hash:cHARLOTtesville H3
Kennel Details:
Normal Hash Schedule We have trail every Sunday. Labor Day to Memorial Day trail starts around 1169, with Hares away 1230-ish and Pack away 1245-ish. Memorial Day to Labor Day trail starts around 1469 (aka 3:09 PM). Our trails are usually A to A, with plenty o' shiggy. Be sure to bring a dry bag. History Date of First Hash 28 February, 2009 Founders Occifer Ass Baton, Reflection Erection, Taste the RainBlow, Sour Snatch My Rubber Back Hillbilly H3 Lineage Hillbilly H3 (United States 2009) < cHARLOTtesville H3 (United States 1984) < Colombo H3 (Sri Lanka 1980) < Bangkok H3 (Thailand 1977) < Washington DC H3 (United States 1972) < Kuala Lumpur H3 (Malaysia 1938)

This Club is Alive
Hillbilly H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (593) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=593]

last updated: 2021-04-17 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / VA/ Western Northern Virginia and West Virginia / Winchester, Front Royal, Warrenton, Manassas, Centreville, Harpers Ferry, etc.
We Hash: Every Sunday 12:00 All Year 
lat/lng37.43157300N 78.656894W
Hotline (TEL #):202.Pud.Jam.0.press#
Email: jed.hillbilly.h3@gmail.com
Contact Name
Jed Hillbilly

Contact 1: Rachael *Sour Snatch My Rubber Back* McCrum
Date First Hash:2009-02-28
Founder:Occifer Ass Baton
Cofounders:Sour Snatch My Rubber Back, Reflection Erection, Taste the RainBlow, Scrapbook My Scheduled Blowjob
Parent Hash:cHARLOTtesville
Kennel Details:
We have trail every Sunday @ 1169. Hares away 1230-ish and pack away 1245-ish. Expect a good bit o' shiggy & make sure to bring a dry bag. Most often, trails are A to A.