Half-mind.com is the regional website for: USA, Central America, South America and the Caribbean If you want to add a new kennel - email me - please include ONLY: Kennel name, country, state and date of first Hash Looking for Hashes elsewhere? Find any Kennel in the world |
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This Club is Alive
Country/state/Area/City: | USA / WA | ||||||||
We Hash: |
Variable Month Every Wednesday 18:30 |
lat/lng | 0.00000000N 0.00000000E | ||||||||
Hotline (TEL #): | 360.279.8234 | ||||||||
Contact 1: | Mike *Bar Fine Beaner* Rodriguez 360.279.8234 | ||||||||
Contact 2: | Mike *Magicly Clittitious* Amos mike77tsu@yahoo.com 360.202.8972 | ||||||||
Contact 3: | Bob *Jiffy Bop* Stolt stoltb73@cs.net 360.279.0928 | ||||||||
Kennel Details: Adult Mixed Hash runs every Wednesday@ 1830, one weekend monthly, and travel to other hashes whenever we can. Avg 10-20 hashers/run. | |||||||||