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This Club is Alive
Yellow Brick Road H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (123) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=123]

last updated: 2021-07-29 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / KS/ Ft Riley / Junction City / Manhattan
We Hash: Variable Sunday 12:00  
Monthly Full Moon 19:00 
lat/lng39.19290800N 96.598393W
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1167635349923045/?ref=share
Hotline (TEL #):561-951-3439
Email: justinmichaelhartmann@gmail.com
Contact Name
Mike *Taxi Ho* Fuller

Contact 1: Mike *Taxi Ho* Fuller
Contact 2: Danielle *Sitting Bull* Fuller
Contact 3: Hardley in Her Twat
Date First Hash:2007-02-18
Founder:Mike *Taxi Ho* Fuller
Cofounders:Sitting Bull, Windows NT
Parent Hash:Frankfurt H3
Kennel Details:
Founded: February 18, 2007 Located in the Junction City / Manhattan KS (Ft Riley) area. Runs year round every other week on Sundays-hares choice for time of trail. We often get together for DPs during the course of the week. We have an open and private facebook page. Post a message and we will contact you. If you want to access the private page please message Hardley in Her Twat with your hash name, how long you've been hashing, and your home kennel for access." ONON to the Yellow Brick Road!